

  • Linux or MacOS (Windows isn’t supported at the moment).
  • A Google Cloud account.
  • Packer and Ansible to build images
  • Make to use Makefile targets
  • Install coreutils (for timeout) on OSX

Setup environment variables

# Make sure to use same kubernetes version here as building the GCE image
export GCP_NODE_MACHINE_TYPE=n1-standard-2

Setup a Network and Cloud NAT

Google Cloud accounts come with a default network which can be found under VPC Networks. If you prefer to create a new Network, follow these instructions.

Cloud NAT

This infrastructure provider sets up Kubernetes clusters using a Global Load Balancer with a public ip address.

Kubernetes nodes, to communicate with the control plane, pull container images from registered (e.g. or dockerhub) need to have NAT access or a public ip. By default, the provider creates Machines without a public IP.

To make sure your cluster can communicate with the outside world, and the load balancer, you can create a Cloud NAT in the region you’d like your Kubernetes cluster to live in by following these instructions.

NB: The following commands needs to be run if ${GCP_NETWORK_NAME} is set to default

# Ensure if network list contains default network
gcloud compute networks list --project="${GCP_PROJECT}"

gcloud compute networks describe "${GCP_NETWORK_NAME}" --project="${GCP_PROJECT}"

# Ensure if firewall rules are enabled
$ gcloud compute firewall-rules list --project "$GCP_PROJECT"

# Create routers
gcloud compute routers create "${CLUSTER_NAME}-myrouter" --project="${GCP_PROJECT}" --region="${GCP_REGION}" --network="default"

# Create NAT
gcloud compute routers nats create "${CLUSTER_NAME}-mynat" --project="${GCP_PROJECT}" --router-region="${GCP_REGION}" --router="${CLUSTER_NAME}-myrouter"
--nat-all-subnet-ip-ranges --auto-allocate-nat-external-ips

Create a Service Account

To create and manage clusters, this infrastructure provider uses a service account to authenticate with GCP’s APIs.

From your cloud console, follow these instructions to create a new service account with Editor permissions.

If you plan to use GKE the service account will also need the iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator role.

Afterwards, generate a JSON Key and store it somewhere safe.

Building images

NB: The following commands should not be run as root user.

# Export the GCP project id you want to build images in.
export GCP_PROJECT_ID=<project-id>

# Export the path to the service account credentials created in the step above.
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=</path/to/serviceaccount-key.json>

# Clone the image builder repository if you haven't already.
git clone image-builder

# Change directory to images/capi within the image builder repository
cd image-builder/images/capi

# Run the Make target to generate GCE images.
make build-gce-ubuntu-2004

# Check that you can see the published images.
gcloud compute images list --project ${GCP_PROJECT_ID} --no-standard-images --filter="family:capi-ubuntu-2004-k8s"

# Export the IMAGE_ID from the above
export IMAGE_ID="projects/${GCP_PROJECT_ID}/global/images/<image-name>"


Delete the NAT gateway

gcloud compute routers nats delete "${CLUSTER_NAME}-mynat" --project="${GCP_PROJECT}" \
--router-region="${GCP_REGION}" --router="${CLUSTER_NAME}-myrouter" --quiet || true

Delete the router

gcloud compute routers delete "${CLUSTER_NAME}-myrouter" --project="${GCP_PROJECT}" \
--region="${GCP_REGION}" --quiet || true